Grade de Horários (Timetable)
Luis Gustavo Lang Gaiato
Last Updated:
hace 3 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A simple timetable.

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Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass[extrafontsizes, 20pt]{memoir}
\usepackage[c4paper,left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.5in, bottom=0.5in, landscape]{geometry}
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\title{Timetable 2022/2}
\author{Lorem Ipsum}
Timetable 2022/2\\
01/17 to 05/18
& & Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday & Thursday & Friday \tn\bottomrule
08h30 & & & & & \tn
&10h10& & & & & \tn
&10h30& & \subject{MAT01057} & & \subject{MAT01057} & \tn
&12h10& & & & & \tn\bottomrule
13h30& \subject{FIS01209} & & \subject{FIS01209} & & \subject{FIS01209} \tn
&13h30& \subject{INF01046} & & \subject{INF01046} & & \subject{FIS01209} \tn
&15h10& & & & & \tn
&15h30& \subject{FIS01207} & & \subject{FIS01207} & & \subject{FIS01207} \tn
&17h10& & & & & \tn\bottomrule
18h30& & \subject{FIS02213} & & \subject{FIS02213} & \tn
&18h30& & \subject{FIS01008} & & \subject{FIS01008} & \tn
&20h10& & & & & \tn\toprule\\
\begin{tabular}{!{\vrule width 1pt}x{3.5cm}!{\vrule width 1pt}p{8cm}!{\vrule width 1pt}x{3.5cm}!{\vrule width 1pt}p{8cm}!{\vrule width 1pt}}\bottomrule
\subject{MAT01057} & Real Analysis A\cellcolor{MAT01057} & \subject{FIS01008} & Quantum Physics I\cellcolor{FIS01008} \tn
\subject{FIS01207} & Mathematical Physics I\cellcolor{FIS01207} & \subject{FIS01209} & Classical Mechanics II\cellcolor{FIS01209} \tn
\subject{FIS02213} &\multicolumn{3}{l!{\vrule width 1pt}}{Astrophysics B\cellcolor{FIS02213}} \tn
\subject{INF01046} & \multicolumn{3}{l!{\vrule width 1pt}}{Fundamentals of Image Processing\cellcolor{INF01046}} \tn\toprule