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% Commutative diagram with edges passing under/over
% Jan 7, 2009, Stefan Kottwitz
% http://texblog.net
:Title: Commutative diagram with crossing edges
:Tags: Matrices; Diagrams
:Author: Stefan Kottwitz
:Slug: commutative-diagram
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
column sep=3em]{
& \|\cdot\| & & \|\cdot\|^* \\
\Lambda(\|\cdot\|) & & \Lambda(\|\cdot\|)^* & \\
& \|\cdot\|/S & & (\|\cdot\|/S)^* \\
\Lambda(\|\cdot\|/S) & & \Lambda(\|\cdot\|/S)^* & \\};
(m-1-2) edge node [fill=white] {dual} (m-1-4)
edge node [fill=white] {exterior} (m-2-1)
edge [densely dotted] node [pos=0.75,fill=white] {quotient}(m-3-2)
(m-1-4) edge node [fill=white] {subspace} (m-3-4)
edge node [fill=white] {exterior} (m-2-3)
(m-2-1) edge [-,line width=6pt,draw=white] (m-2-3)
edge node [pos=0.75,fill=white] {dual} (m-2-3)
edge node [fill=white] {quotient} (m-4-1)
(m-3-2) edge [densely dotted] node [pos=0.75,fill=white] {dual} (m-3-4)
edge [densely dotted] node [fill=white] {exterior} (m-4-1)
(m-4-1) edge node [fill=white] {dual} (m-4-3)
(m-3-4) edge node [fill=white] {exterior} (m-4-3)
(m-2-3) edge [-,line width=6pt,draw=white] (m-4-3)
edge node [pos=0.75,fill=white] {subspace} (m-4-3);