Equations For Paper
CK Harnett
Last Updated
hace 10 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
I want to see if this publishes it in MathML so I can cut & paste from there to other formats.
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\title{Equations For Paper}
\author{Cindy Harnett}
geeblegobble geeblegobble
mr smoddlebogy says work toward this equation by explaining and defining arclength, dx/dtheta etc
\section{Some Stuff}
\subsection{Relationship of moment and curvature}
Distinguish small-deflection and large-deflection solutions here
\subsection {Eq. 1: Euler-Bernoulli moment-curvature relationship}
\subsection{Eq. 2: Differential Arclength in terms of angle}
$$\frac{ds}{d\theta}=\pm \sqrt{\frac{EI}{R}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{cos(\theta-\phi)-cos(\theta^{\ast}-\phi)}} $$
\subsection{Eq. 5}
$$s(\theta)=\sqrt{\frac{EI}{R}} \int_{\alpha}^{\theta}\frac{d\theta'}{\sqrt{cos(\theta'-\phi)-cos(\theta^{\ast}-\phi)}}$$
\subsection{Eq. 6}
$$x(\theta)=\sqrt{\frac{EI}{R}} \int_{\alpha}^{\theta} \frac{cos(\theta')d\theta'}{\sqrt{cos(\theta'-\phi)-cos(\theta^{\ast}-\phi)}}$$
\subsection{Eq. 7}
$$y(\theta)=\sqrt{\frac{EI}{R}} \int_{\alpha}^{\theta} \frac{sin(\theta')d\theta'}{\sqrt{cos(\theta'-\phi)-cos(\theta^{\ast}-\phi)}}$$
\subsection{Eq. 8}
$$\frac{L}{w}=\beta=\frac{\int_{\alpha}^{\theta^{\ast}}\frac{d\theta}{\sqrt {\cos \left( \theta -\phi \right) -\cos \left( \theta^{\ast } -\phi \right) }}-\int_{\theta^{\ast}}^{0}\frac{d\theta}{\sqrt {\cos \left( \theta -\phi \right) -\cos \left( \theta ^{\ast } -\phi\right) }}}{\int_{\alpha}^{\theta^{\ast}}\frac{cos(\theta) d\theta}{\sqrt {\cos \left( \theta -\phi \right) -\cos \left( \theta^{\ast } -\phi \right) }}-\int_{\theta^{\ast}}^{0}\frac{cos(\theta) d\theta}{\sqrt {\cos \left( \theta -\phi \right) -\cos \left( \theta^{\ast } -\phi \right) }}}$$
\subsection{Eq. 9 Thing I integrated to get critical alpha}
$$\beta=\frac{\int_{\alpha}^{0}\frac{d\theta}{\sqrt {\cos \left( \theta \right) -\cos \left( \alpha \right) }}}{\int_{\alpha}^{0}\frac{cos(\theta) d\theta}{\sqrt {\cos \left( \theta \right) -\cos \left( \alpha \right) }}} $$
\subsection{Eq. 10 Bending energy in terms of M, it's in the word doc but could look nicer}
$$du=\left( \frac{M^2}{2EI}\right) ds$$
\subsection {Eq. 11 Have in another document: bending energy integral, already pasted in}
$$U=\frac{EI}{2}\int \left( \frac{d\theta}{ds} \right) ^2\,ds $$
\subsection {Eq. 12 Energy in terms of dtheta --this should contain R}
$$U = \frac{\sqrt{REI}}{2}\int \sqrt{cos(\theta-\phi)-cos(\theta^{\ast}-\phi)}\,d\theta$$
\subsection {Eq. 13 Expression for R}
$$\sqrt{R}=\sqrt{EI} \int_{\alpha}^{0} \frac{cos(\theta)d\theta}{\sqrt{cos(\theta-\phi)-cos(\theta^{\ast}-\phi)}}$$
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