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\newcommand{\harald}{Harald Ellingsen}
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Møllergata 2 & Born: & 14.11.85\\
4616 Kristiansand & Tel.: & +47 957 47 869\\
Norway & Email: & \href{mailto:ellingsen.harald@gmail.com}{\texttt{ellingsen.harald@gmail.com}}\\
% & \textit{Linkedin:} & \href{http://www.linkedin.com/pub/harald-ellingsen/19/262/b88}{\texttt{www.linkedin.com/pub/harald-ellingsen/19/262/b88}}\\
\bottomrule %
{\large\bf Key Qualifications}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=BSc. Computer Science and Industrial Automation\\
\>Java, C/C++ based Arduino and C\#\\
\>Valuable experience from follow-up and testing a wide range of drilling control system products\\
{\large\bf Key Attributes}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Fast Learner - Hobby Developer\\
\>Detailed Eye - Structured and easy going\\
\>Problem Solver\\
{\large\bf Education}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Aug. 08 -- Jun. 12\quad\= -- \=BSc Computer Science and Industrial Automation, Y-VEI, \textit{TUC}\footnotemark\\
\>\qquad Sept. 09 -- Jul. 10 \quad -- Exchange student, \textit{Universidad de Valladolid}, Valladolid, Spain\\
\>23 June 06\> -- \>Apprenticeship certificate in Service Electronics, \textit{Royal Norwegian Navy}\\
\>Aug. 04 -- Jun. 05\> -- \>Officer Cadet School, \textit{Royal Norwegian Navy}\\
\>Aug. 01 -- Jun. 04\> -- \>Electro specialized in Service Electronics, \textit{Kvadraturen Skolesenter}\\
\footnotetext{Telemark University College}
{\large\bf Work Experience}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=May 12 -- Present\quad\= -- \=\parbox[t]{.8\textwidth}{Control Systems Engineer, \textit{Aker MH AS/MHWirth AS}\footnotemark}\\
\>\qquad Jun. 15 -- Dec. 15 \quad -- Technical Lead for Control cabinets, cabin and operator chairs\\
\>\qquad Jan. 15 -- May 15 \quad -- Drilling Control \& Monitoring Systems technical assistant major projects\\
\>\qquad Dec. 13 -- Dec. 14 \quad -- DCMS Manager for Production Unit Kristiansand\\
\>\qquad May 12 -- Dec. 13 \quad -- DCMS Manager assistance and training major projects\\
\footnotetext{Company name changed to MHWirth AS from Sept. 2014}
{\large\bf Extracurricular Activities}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Aug. 11 -- Jun. 12\quad\= -- \=Secretary, Electronics Club, \textit{TUC}\\
%\hspace{1.5em}\=Aug. 11 -- Jun. 12\quad\= -- \=Vice class representative, IA\footnotemark Y-VEI 09, \textit{TUC}\\
{\large\bf Language Skills}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=English\quad\=: \=Verbal fluent, writing proficient\\
\>Spanish \>: \>Conversational, basic
{\large\bf IT-Qualifications and experience}\\
\hspace*{1.5em}\=Autocad 2D, \textit{used for control system topology, electrical layouts and circuit diagrams}\\
\>Step7 and WinCC, \textit{semester project}\\
\>Visual Studio 2010, C\#, \textit{optional subject}\\
\>Java for Android, \textit{used for BSc main project}\\
\>Arduino, \textit{used for BSc main project}\\
\>Raspberry Pi system for beer brewing with web interface, \textit{hobby project}\\
\>MS SQL, \textit{created queries for special lookups in DB}\\
{\large\bf Certificates and licences}\\
\hspace*{1.5em}\=\hspace*{10em} \=\hspace*{2em}\=\kill
\>Driving licence\\
{\large\bf Interests}\\
\hspace{1.5em}\=Sailing, the learning process, programming, automation and electronics
%{\large\bf References}\\
%\hspace*{1.5em}\=Geir Mostad, STX Grenland Industri AS, phone no. 915 97 179\\
%\>Gunnar Braata, Elite Foto, phone no. 916 76 415\\
%\>Martin Hopland Bøhn, Former Captain HNoMS Ravn, phone no. 926 91 613
\rfoot{Updated \today}