Andreas Kelbel
Last Updated:
hace 8 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Bungee, Spring
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Bungee, Spring
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% author: Andreas Kelbel
% packages
\usepackage{cmbright} % font
\fill [pattern = north east lines] (0,0) rectangle (4,-.25);
\draw (0,0) -- (4,0);
\draw (2,-.5) node[below]{(1)} ;
\filldraw[pattern = north east lines] (.5,0) rectangle ++(.1,8.5) ;
\filldraw[pattern = north east lines] (.25,8) rectangle ++(3.5,.1) ;
\filldraw[pattern = north east lines] (.25,6.5) rectangle ++(1.5,.1) ;
\draw (1.5,6.9) .. controls +(0,2) and +(-.5,-2) .. (3,6) node[midway,right]{$l$} ;
\fill[blue] (1.5,6.9) circle (3mm) ;
\draw[decoration={aspect=0.3, segment length=1.5mm, amplitude=3mm,coil},decorate] (3,6) -- (3,8) ;
\draw[|-|] (-.5,0) -- +(0,6.6) node[midway, left]{$h$};
\draw[|-|] (4.25,6) -- +(0,2) node[midway, right]{$f$};
\draw[|-|] (6,0) -- +(0,8) node[midway, right]{$x$};
\draw[latex-latex] (0,7.55) -- +(0,1) ;
\fill [pattern = north east lines] (0,0) rectangle (4,-.25);
\draw (0,0) -- (4,0);
\draw (2,-.5) node[below]{(2)} ;
\filldraw[pattern = north east lines] (.5,0) rectangle ++(.1,8.5) ;
\filldraw[pattern = north east lines] (.25,8) rectangle ++(3.5,.1) ;
\filldraw[pattern = north east lines] (.25,6.5) rectangle ++(1.5,.1) ;
\draw (3,3.5) -- (3,.2) node[midway,right]{$l$} ;
\fill[blue] (3,.33) circle (3mm) ;
\draw[decoration={aspect=0.3, segment length=3.5mm, amplitude=3mm,coil},decorate] (3,3.5) -- (3,8) ;