Thesis 1/20/16
Mariah Efurd
Last Updated
hace 9 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Short thesis recap presentation
Short thesis recap presentation
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\title[Your Short Title]{Thesis Recap}
\author{Mariah Efurd}
\institute{Mary Baldwin College}
\date{January 20, 2016}
% Uncomment these lines for an automatically generated outline.
% \tableofcontents
\section{Thesis Presentation}
\item Over the break the stocks have not fluctuated much.
\item Currently looking into more equations to use.
\item Explanation of current equations
\vskip 1cm
\section{Mariah Efurd}
\item Stocks Timeframe 10 years ago, in different intervals up to a Timeframe of 7 days.
% Commands to include a figure:
%\caption{\label{fig:your-figure}Caption goes here.}
\item Benjamin Graham Formula
\item \begin{equation}
V^{*}=ESP (8.5+2g)
\item \begin{equation}
v^{*}= \frac{ESP(8.5+2g)4.4}{Y}
\item Black Scholes Equation
\item Least Squares
\item Linear Regression
\item Fourier Series
\begin{frame}{Any Questions?}
\item Are there any questions?
\item Have a great week!