John C. Flournoy - CV
John Flournoy
Last Updated:
hace 9 años
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
John C. Flournoy, CV

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%%% A template to produce a nice-looking Curriculum Vitae.
%%% Kieran Healy <kjhealy@gmail.com>
%%% Most recent version is at http://kjhealy.github.com/kjh-vita
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%%% Requirements that are included in a modern tex distribution:
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%%% Fonts
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%%% the layout or avoid widows & orphans, etc. You should of course add or
%%% remove these as needed.
%%% Metadata
%% Change as needed. Or just add me as a coauthor. Only some of these are
%% used below in the hyperref declaration and address banner section.
\def\myauthor{John C. Flournoy}
\def\myaffiliation{University of Oregon}
\def\myaddress{Psychology Department}
\def\myphone{(415) 260-2744}
\def\myaffiliation{University of Oregon}
\def\myauthor{John C. Flournoy}
\date{\today} % not used (revision control instead)
\def\mykeywords{Flournoy, John Flournoy, Vita, CV, Resume, Psychology, Neuroscience}
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%% Minion and Myriad are widely available, from Adobe.
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%% item in the body text. Like this: \marginhead{{\vskip 0.4em}Grants}, or
%% \marginhead{{\vskip 0.8em}Service}. Experiment as needed.
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%%% Address and contact block
\flushright {\footnotesize
\href{http://psychology.uoregon.edu/}{Department of Psychology} \\ 1227 University of Oregon \\ \vspace{-0.05in} Eugene, \textsc{OR} 97404}
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%% Name
% \noindent{\LARGE\scheader \textsc{john c flournoy}}
\noindent{\Large\bfseries John C Flournoy}\newline\noindent{\today}
%% Work
% \medskip
\marginhead{\sffamily {\vskip -0.4em} positions}
\ind Graduate Research/Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon, 2012--Present
\ind Research Coordinator, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2009--2012
%% Education
\marginhead{\sffamily {{\vskip -0.23em} education}}
%\noindent\emph{Princeton University \vspace{0.01in}}
\ind Ph.D, Psychology, University of Oregon, 2017 (expected)
\ind M.S. Psychology, University of Oregon, 2014
\ind B.A. Cognitive Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2004
%% Publications
\marginhead{\sffamily {\vskip 0.35em} journal articles}
\ind Flannery, J. E., Giuliani, N., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, \& Pfeifer, J. H. (submitted). Neurodevelopmental Changes Across Adolescence in Viewing and Labeling Dynamic Peer Emotions. \textit{Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience}.
\ind Giuliani, N. R., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Ivie, E. J., Von Hippel, A., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (submitted). Presentation and Validation of the DuckEES Child and Adolescent Dynamic Facial Expressions Stimulus Set. \textit{International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research}.
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Pfeifer, J. H., Moore, W. E., Tackman, A., Masten, C. L., Mazziotta, J. C., … Dapretto, M. (in press). Neural Reactivity to Emotional Faces Mediates the Relationship between Childhood Empathy and Adolescent Prosocial Behavior. \textit{Child Development}.
\ind Goodkind, M. S., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Thompson, L. W., Kesler, S. R., Anker, L., \textbf{Flournoy, J.}, … O’Hara, R. M. (2015). The impact of executive function on response to cognitive behavioral therapy in late-life depression. \textit{International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry}. \href{http://doi.org/10.1002/gps.4325}{10.1002/gps.4325}
\ind O’Hara, R., Marcus, P., Thompson, W. K., \textbf{Flournoy, J.}, Vahia, I., Lin, X., … Jeste, D. V. (2012). 5-HTTLPR Short Allele, Resilience, and Successful Aging in Older Adults. \textit{American Journal of Geriatric Psych}. \href{http://doi.org/10.1097/JGP.0b013e31823e2d03}{10.1097/JGP.0b013e31823e2d03}
%% Use revnumerate environment if numbered publications are needed.
%% (Include it above in the preamble).
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\marginhead{\sffamily {\vskip 0.35em} Talks}
\ind (\textit{co-presenter}) Pfeifer, J. H., \& \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.} (2016, April). Characterizing longitudinal change in brain function: Some problems and solutions. Presented at the Modeling Developmental Change conference, Eugene, OR.
\ind (\textit{contributor}) Tackman, A. M., Srivastava, S., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, \& Saucier, G. (2015, February). Relationships and personality development in adulthood: A multiple-informant approach. Presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.
\ind (\textit{presenter}) \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Moore III, W. E., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2014, September). Using fMRI to study child and adolescent development: Thoughts from the trenches. Presented at the Special Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development on Developmental Methodology, San Diego, CA.
%% Publications
\marginhead{\sffamily {\vskip 0.5em} Posters}
\ind Flannery, J., Peake, S. J., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Alberti, S. L., Mobasser, A., Fisher, P. A., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2016). Neural Outcomes of Risk Decision: Prediction of Subsequent Behavioral Decision Across Social Contexts in Adolescence. Presented at the Annual Social Affective Neuroscience Conference, New York, NY.
\ind Flannery, J. E., Giuliani, N., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2015). Developmental Changes in Affect Processing: Brain Functionand Connectivityto Peer Faces. Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Social Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
\ind Flannery, J., Giuliani, N., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2015). Affective Reactivity and Regulation Across Adolescence: Neural Responses to Dynamic Peer Emotions. Presented at the Social Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
\ind Flannery, J., Peake, S. J., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Alberti, S. L., Mobasser, A., Fisher, P. A., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2015). Positive and Negative Neural Feedback Processing of Risk Decisions Across Social Contexts in Adolescents. Presented at the 3rd Annual Flux Congress, Leiden, Netherlands.
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Peake, S. J., Alberti, S. L., Flannery, J. E., Mobasser, A., Fisher, P. A., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2015). Evaluation of a Bayesian cognitive model for adolescent risky decision making in the Stoplight Game. Presented at the Flux Congress, Leiden, Netherlands. \href{http://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.1925.7049}{10.13140/RG.2.1.1925.7049}
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Srivastava, S., \& Saucier, G. (2015). A Network Approach to Longitudinal Personality Change. Presented at the Association for Research in Personality, 4th Biennial Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
\ind Flannery, J., Giuliani, N., \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2014). Dynamic Neuropsychological Emotion Regulation Profiles Among Youth, 10-22 Year Old. Presented at the International Society of Developmental Psychobiology, Washington, D.C.
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Giuliani, N., Hill, A., Moore III, W. E., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2014). Labeling Emotional Faces Changes Affective Processing. Presented at the The Society for Research on Adolescence 15th Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Srivastava, S., Dapretto, M., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2014). Correlated Change in Components of Empathy During Adolescence. Presented at the The Society for Personality and Social Psychology 15th Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Tackman, A., Moore III, W. E., Pfeifer, J. H., Mazziotta, J. C., Iacoboni, M., \& Dapretto, M. (2014). Effect of Empathy on Prosocial Behavior Mediated by Brain Across the Transition into Adolescence. Presented at the Social \& Affective Neuroscience Society 7th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J. C.}, Moore III, W. E., Srivastava, S., Mazziotta, J. C., Iacoboni, M., Dapretto, M., \& Pfeifer, J. H. (2013). Neural Correlates of Empathy Development During Early Adolescence. Presented at the Social \& Affective Neuroscience Society 6th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
\ind Chen, E., Anker, L., \textbf{Flournoy, J.}, Kovachy, B., Blaisdell, K., Weinkam, T., … O’Hara, R. (2011). Comparison of Amount of REM Sleep and Cognitive Abilities in Normal Older Adults and Those with Sleep Apnea. Presented at the International College Of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology 11th Annual Meeting.
\ind \textbf{Flournoy, J.}, Weinkam, T., Hallmayer, J., \& O’Hara, R. (2011). Anxiety, Sleep Efficiency, and 5-HTTLPR Genotype in Older Adults. Presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
\ind Marcus, P., Thompson, W. K., \textbf{Flournoy, J.}, Vahia, I., Lin, X., Hallmayer, J., … O’Hara, R. (2010). 5-HTTLPR Short allele is Associated with Poorer Self-Perceptions of Successful Aging in Older Adults. Presented at the International College Of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology 10th Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece.
\marginhead{\sffamily {\vskip 0.6em} Chapters}
\ind Sudheimer, K., \textbf{Flournoy, J.}, Gershon, A., Demuth, B., Schatzberg, A., \& O’Hara, R. (2013). The HPA Axis and Late Life Depression. In H. Lavretsky, M. Sajatovic, \& C. Reynolds (Eds.), Late-Life Mood Disorders (1st ed.). Oxford University Press, USA.
\marginhead{\sffamily {\vskip 0.3em}awards}
\ind Gary E. Smith Summer Professional Development Award, 2015
\ind Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship , 2014
\marginhead{\sffamily {\vskip 0.6em}service}
\ind \textit{Facilitator}: \newline R Programming for Scientific Computing User Group (\textit{``R Club''}), 2013--present
\ind \textit{Co-reviewer}: \newline Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry \newline Developmental Neuroscience
\ind \textit{Member}: \newline Graduate Admissions Committees, Psychology, University of Oregon, 2014
\ind \textit{Coordinator}: \newline Developmental Psychology Brown Bag, University of Oregon, Winter 2013