Jing Wang – Curriculum Vitae
Jing Wang
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Jing Wang – Curriculum Vitae

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Jing Wang – Curriculum Vitae
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Wilson Resume/CV
% XeLaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (22/1/2015)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Howard Wilson (https://github.com/watsonbox/cv_template_2004) with
% extensive modifications by Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
\documentclass[10pt]{article} % Default font size
\input{structure.tex} % Include the file specifying document layout
\title{Jing Wang-- Curriculum Vitae} % Print the main header
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\> Philipps-Universität Marburg \\ % Address line 1
{\bf Address}\>Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik\\ % Address line 1
\>Hans-Meerwein-Straße \\ % Addr \\ % Address line 2
\>(Paketpost: 35043 Marburg) \\ % Address line 2
{\bf Email} \> \href{mailto:wangjingmath@gmail.com}{wangjingmath@gmail.com}\\ % Emailaddress
%{\bf Date of Birth} \> 18$^{th}$ May 1988 \\ % Date of birth
{\bf Nationality} \> Chinese\\ % Nationality
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%{\bf Mobile Phone} \> (+49) 15902209632 \\ % Mobile phone
{\bf} \> \\ % Email address
% \section{Personal Profile}
% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis elementum nec dolor sed sagittis. Cras justo lorem, volutpat mattis lacus vel, consequat aliquam quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer blandit, massa at tincidunt ornare, dolor magna interdum felis, ac blandit urna neque in turpis.
((last update: April 2016)
\bf{2012- now}
\> {\bf PhD}, Algebra - \href{http://www.uni-marburg.de}{Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany} \\[5pt]
\> {\bf Advisor} \href{http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~heckenberger}{Prof. Dr. István Heckenberger}\\
\> The classification of Nichols algebras of diagonal type over fields of positive characteristic
\bf{2010-2012} \>Master of Science, Department of Mathematics, - \href{http://www.zju.edu.cn/english}{Zhejiang University}, VR China\\[5pt]
\> {\bf Advisor} \href{http://www.math.zju.edu.cn/webpagenew/teacherintroen.asp?userid=82}{Prof. Dr. Zhixiang Wu}\\
\textit{Thesis: Left symmetric algebras from DNA insertion}
\bf{2006-2010} \>Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, - {Shandong University}, VR China\\[5pt]
% Research SECTION
% paper SECTION
\section{Published papers}
\bf{2015} \>Wang, J. Rank three Nichols algebras of diagonal type over
arbitrary fields. arXiv:1505.07358 \\[5pt]
\> to appear in Israel Journal of Mathematics.
\bf{2014} \>Heckenberger, I. and Wang, J.: Rank 2 Nichols algebras of diagonal type over fields of positive\\[5pt]
\> characteristic. arXiv:1407.6817. \\[5pt]
\> SIGMA 11 (2015), 011, 24 pages.
\bf{2012} \>Wu, Zhixiang and Wang, J. : Left symmetric algebras from DNA insertion\\[5pt]
\> Zhejiang university.\\[5pt]
\> arXiv:1605.03837.
% conferences
\section{Conferences and Workshops}
\bf{Sep.2015} \>2015 annual meeting of the Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV), Hamburg - \href{http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/DMV2015}{DMV}\\[5pt]
\> {\bf Talk} {Nichols algebras of diagonal type over arbitrary fields}
\bf{Mar.2015} \>Colloquium on Algebras and Representations -Cordoba, Argentina - \href{http://www.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~vay/quantum2015-en/index-en.html}{Quantum 15}\\[5pt]
\> {\bf Talk} {Rank three Nichols algebras of diagonal type over fields of positive characteristic}
\bf{Sep.2014} \>The 2nd Heidelberg Laureate Forum - The 2nd HLF, Heidelberg, Germany - \href{http://www.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/event_2014}{The 2nd HLF}\\[5pt]
\bf{Aug.2014} \>Conformal Field Theory and Nichols Algebras- Rauischholzhausen- \href{http://www.uni-marburg.de/fb12/mathematik/arbeitsgebiete/algebraische_lietheorie/summerschool2014}{Summer School 2014}\\[5pt]
\> {\bf Talk} {Rank 2 Nichols algebras of diagonal type over fields of positive characteristic}
\bf{Aug.2014} \>International Congress of Mathematicians- Seoul, Korea 2014- \href{http://www.icm2014.org}{Seoul ICM 2014}\\[5pt]
\bf{Mar.2014} \>Colloquium on Algebra and Representations -Santa Maria, Brazil- \href{http://www.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~plavnik/quantum2014-en/index-en.html}
{Quantum 14}\\[5pt]
\> {\bf Talk} {Rank 2 Nichols algebras of diagonal type over fields of positive characteristic}
\bf{Mar.2014} \>Structures on Tensor Categories and Topological Field Theories-Erlangen, Germany-\\
\> \href{http://www.algeo.math.fau.de/index.php?id=4345}{Emerging Fields Programme}\\[5pt]}
% research experience
\section{Research experience}
{Sep.2012 -}{current}
{Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany}
{The classification of Nichols algebras of diagonal type over fields of positive characteristic}
{Supported by 'China Scholarship Council'.}
{Apr.2011 -}{Nov.2011}
{Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China}
{Left symmetric algebras from DNA insertion}
{Supported by ZJNSF(No.Y6100148, Y610027) and Education Department of Zhejiang Province(No.201019063).}
{Apr.2011 -}{Oct. 2011}
{Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China}
{Vertex algebras and Poisson vertex algebras with applications to Hamiltonian integrable systems}
\item{Explored the connection between Lie conformal algebra and Lie algebra.}
\item{Applied the vertex algebra to the Hamiltonian integrable systems.}
\item{Deepened the understanding of between the lie algebras and other algebras by attending the Twelfth National Conference of Lie algebras at Huzhou University.}
{Sep.2010 -}{May 2011}
{Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China}
{Infinite dimensional lie algebras}
\item{Explored the Affine Algebras: the Normalized Invariant Form, the Root System, and the Weyl Group.}
\item{Deepened the understanding of between the lie algebras and other algebras by attending the Twelfth National Conference of Lie algebras at Huzhou University.}
% Teaching section
\section{Teaching experience}
{Sep 2010 -}{Sep 2011}
{Zhejiang University, China}
{Teaching Assistants in Algebra, Linear Algebra and Advanced Algebras}
\section{Honors and Awards}
\interest{China Scholarship Council four years Scholarshop, China, 2012-2016}
\interest{Second-class Award of Honor for Graduate, ZJU,2011}
\interest{First Scholarship for Outstanding students, SDU, |2008|2009|2010}
\interest{Triple A Students for successive years, SDU 2006|2007|2008|2010}
\interest{Advanced Individual of College Student's Holiday Social Practice, SDU 2008}}
\interest{I like travelling and have travelled 10 percent of the world.}
\interest{Dancing, Swimming}
\parbox{0.1\textwidth}{ % First block
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{\bf Name} \> Prof. Dr. István Heckenberger \\ % Referee name
{\bf Contact} \> \href{mailto:heckenberger@mathematik.uni-marburg.de}{heckenberger@mathematik.uni-marburg.de}\\ % Referee contact information
{\bf Tel} \> +49-06421 28-25486 \\ % Referee company
{\bf Addresse} \> Philipps-Universität Marburg \\ % Referee company
{\bf } \> Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik \\ % Referee job title
{\bf } \> Hans-Meerwein-Straße \\
{\bf } \> D-35032 Marburg\\
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{\bf Name} \> Prof. Zhixiang Wu\\ % Referee name
{\bf Contact} \> \href{mailto:wzx@zju.edu.cn}{wzx@zju.edu.cn} \\ % Referee contact information
{\bf Tel} \> +86-0571-87951609-8202 \\ % Referee company
{\bf Addresse} \> Zhejiang University\\ % Referee company
{\bf } \> Department of Mathematics\\ % Referee job title
{\bf } \> College of Science \\
{\bf } \> Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang\\